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How Does Hospice Care Work? Everything You Need To Know

Suffering from terminal illnesses is difficult for the patient and their family. The shift from healing to end-of-life can be challenging and distressing for most people. In such circumstances, we often hear the word hospice care. While hospice may be misunderstood to some extent, it is one of the most poignant experiences not only for the person receiving care but also for the entire family. Hospice is not only pain management; even though it is widely associated with it, its services go far beyond that.

Hospice mainly supports people who are near the end of their lives due to any terminal illness in many different ways:

  • Managing symptoms and pain
  • Developing individualized care plans focused on each patient’s goals and wishes
  • Encouraging patients and their families to make the most of their time together
  • Improving the quality of life

However, hospice care does not aim to cure the patient’s illness. It simply ensures that the patient is comfortable and lives their last days peacefully and to the fullest.

Here are some interesting facts about Hospice Care that will help you understand it better.

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There Is a Chance the Patient Will Live Longer

The hospice won’t cure the patient’s disease but will undoubtedly make them feel better by taking care of the pain and other symptoms affecting how long they live. According to a study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, hospice extended life an average of 29 days.

It Takes Care of Multiple Disease States

Hospice is not just for last-stage cancer patients; it’s also for people with other advanced illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and AIDS.

It Is Provided By the Family with Support from the Team

Family and friends are the primary caretakers in a hospice service. The team makes regularly scheduled visits and trains and educates family caregivers. They are supported by professional nurses, hospice aides, social workers, physicians, chaplains and others, as needed.

It Can Happen Anywhere

Hospice is a service that comes to the patient where they prefer it. A patient’s “home” may be their own private residence, the home of a loved one, an assisted living facility, an adult family home, or a nursing home. It’s all about the comfort of the patient.

Hospice care can help ease pain, discomfort, and other symptoms for people at the end stage of a terminal illness. If you are looking for safe and exceptional hospice care, contact Hospice360 LLC. Our mission is to provide patient-centered care allowing them to live to the fullest in their last stages of life. Visit our website for more information.

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